ELI Presents on World Stage

Two highly qualified, professional developers, Catherine Bruno-Paparelli and Stephen Duch, made a well-received debut at the World Anti-Bullying Forum (WABF) held at The Helix in Dublin, Ireland.

Participation in this groundbreaking international event was led by Dr. Eloise Messineo, Executive Director of ELI. The workshop was presented on June 4, 2019 to dozens of attendees (over 50) drawn from the 47 different countries sending delegates. This is the first of many international conferences in which ELI plans an active participation.

The unique perspective and scope of the seminar, Creating an LGBTQ+ Inclusive Pre-Kindergarten thru Secondary School, was praised by many.
Ms. Bruno-Paparelli and Mr. Duch’s workshop focused on three main concepts:

… the ways in which young people are defined and describe their own gender;

… the relationship between younger peoples’ gender and their personal well-being – and their personal experiences at home, school and in the community, and;

… how school personnel can create more gender inclusive environments for youth and help support parents and youth in developing positive self-images.