Jean McTavish

Jean McTavish is a 31-year veteran educator and retiree from the New York City Department of Education. She has earned degrees in Anthropology and Education, Special Education, and is A.B.D. in Education Administration from Columbia University Teachers College. Jean was the principal of Edward A. Reynolds West Side High School from 2001 to 2017. Jean’s school participated in the NYCDOE’s Common Core Lab for three years and Jean has trained with Bill McCallum and Phil Darro both of whom were instrumental in writing the Common Core Math standards. Her work with the Common Core Lab also included work with Charlotte Danielson, Achieve Partnership, and the Gates Foundation. Jean frequently participated on panels and presented workshops focusing on her school’s implementation of the Common Core Standards. In addition, Jean’s school participated in the Transfer School Common Core Institute (a collaborative effort to implement the Common Core innovatively in schools that serve over-age under-credited students). Jean was one of 26 National Healthy School Ambassadors for the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and her school achieved Gold recognition nationally, for three consecutive years, for it’s work in reducing teen obesity and in promoting health and wellness in general. Currently, Jean is an adjunct lecturer in the Education Leadership Department at Lehman College in the evening program and she teaches indoor cycling in local gyms.