Linda Beal-Benigno served as an 11 year Principal before retiring after 37 years of service to the NYC Department of Education. She began her career as a Special Education Teacher and a Resource Room Teacher. She taught as an Adjunct at Queens College for 9 years in their Academic Skills and Reading Program while on leave. She became a Reading Recovery Teacher Leader, receiving training at New York University under the guidance of distinguished Staff including Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell. She was selected to participate in School Leaders Network, which identified and supported successful New York City Principals. She has been a Fellow in Columbia University’s Cahn Fellows Program for Distinguished New York City Principals. Linda has been working for The Executive Leadership Institute for the past 7 years as a Mentor and has conducted workshops to support supervisors and aspiring school leaders. She earned her Master’s Degree from New York University in Educational Psychology and Reading.