“Looking for Rigor with Productive Struggle & Transfer in Mind”

Photo: From left to right Mary Hughes, ELI Coordinator and Mentor; Maria Psimadas, Assistant Principal at PS 349 Queens; Dr. Karin Hess, Presenter; Tanya Bates Howell, Founding Principal of PS 349 Queens, Magnet School of Leadership & Innovation through STEAM.

The event was a workshop for school leaders entitled “Looking for Rigor with Productive Struggle & Transfer in Mind” presented by Dr. Karin Hess, DOK author, on December 9, 2019 at PS 349 Queens.  Tanya Bates Howell, Founding Principal of PS 349 Queens, hosted the event for District 28 and neighboring districts.  ELI’s Brooklyn Coordinator Mary Hughes was invited as the mentor of the Assistant Principal Maria Psimadas.