The Department of Education (DOE) has updated the Office of Compliance Services (OCS) InfoHub page with support resources for the 2021–22 school year, including the Compliance Delegation Chart – an organizational management tool.
You can now view actionable data for your school to help manage requirements by utilizing the Compliance Management Platform. Access the methandienone pill actionable data on each indicator by right clicking and selecting “Drill through”. The Compliance Management Platform is accessible to Principals and Assistant Principals assigned as Compliance Designees in myGalaxy. Those with access will be able to drill down to their school’s detail data if there is an action needed.
As the main support to your school, Compliance Officers are available to meet with you and your teams via Microsoft Teams to host compliance informational sessions and walk members through the Compliance Management Platform. Please take advantage of these sessions to support the school in meeting checklist requirements. Outreach to your Compliance Officer or email
Note: The DOE will be reestablishing compliance levels for the mid-year and year-end reports for the 2021–22 school year.