Supporting the work of Education Administrators

Zoom digital Conference 1X This is a Zoom meeting, please, check your email, calendar or ELI Registration for more information.

In this workshop, participants will explore the role of the Educational Administrator in the New York City, Department of Education by defining the work of the EA, analyzing the Tenure Decision Framework, identifying the various ways EAs support schools, providing support for the social emotional side of being an EAs and identifying resources to design […]

Special Education: A service not a placement

Zoom digital Conference 1X This is a Zoom meeting, please, check your email, calendar or ELI Registration for more information.

Participants discuss the various components of special education and the historical background. Throughout the workshop participants will engage in activities to gain a better understanding of the requirements and processes. They will review MTSS services and a pre-referral form. Participants will analyze an IEP, discuss its components, and decide how it can be implemented. (ST61)

A Team Approach To Solving Behavioral Challenges

Zoom digital Conference 1X This is a Zoom meeting, please, check your email, calendar or ELI Registration for more information.

This workshop will provide School Leaders with strategies for implementing, analyzing and addressing a school-wide approach to behavioral issues. Participants identify best practices for developing these strategies in order to promote positive behavior within the school environment. This is accomplished through the lens of proactive versus reactive management.

Data Stories: A Blueprint for Decision Making & School Improvement

Zoom digital Conference 1X This is a Zoom meeting, please, check your email, calendar or ELI Registration for more information.

This workshop examines how school leaders skillfully share their school’s data in a clear, compelling story that addresses the school’s next steps and path to achievement. Participants will examine how to use data visualization in story format that captivates the school community with a dynamic story about the school learning environment and a blueprint for […]